Archive for 'Health'

The Ugly Truths of the Beauty Industry

by Chase Rosen   Can you identify any of the ingredients listed on your mascara? Do you have any idea what swallowing lipstick can do to your body? There is a dark side to the beauty industry. Scientists, green aficionados and make up artists are working together to unveil and inform people about the ugly […]

Cold Showers May Break Weight Loss Rut

by Martin Leung Even after weeks and months of strict dieting and exercise, routines can hit a plateau. But don’t be discouraged, a cold shower or a quick dip in the pool might help to encourage weight loss. The human body is designed to maintain a core temperature of around 98.6 °F and achieves this […]

Are Hudson River Striped Bass Safe to Eat?

by Martin Leung Each year when striped bass season opens on April 15, thousands of fishermen either set off on boats or line the shore of the Hudson to catch New York State’s official saltwater fish.  Every striped bass fisherman in the city is out to catch the fish of a lifetime. These monsters can […]

Talk With Your Mouth Full: Benefits of the Family Dinner

by Ian Chant The tradition of families reporting on their days over dinner seems more like a leftover every day, but recent studies have suggested that family togetherness is not the only thing that suffers when parents and kids fail to connect over a meal. Children’s health does, too. And not just for the reason you […]

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