Archive for 'Food'

Junk Food & Pregnancy

by Martin Leung We’ve probably all heard tales of outlandish snack and junk food requests made by pregnant women.  Cravings may vary from woman to woman, but for the snack-loving expectant mother, there may be a new reason to fight junk food binging. A new study suggests that women who eat snacks high in sugar […]

Cures to Your Hangover Woes

by Chase Rosen Ever wake up from a fun night at the bar, only to realize that your head is pounding? And though reaching for the Tylenol and Gatorade might seem like a good way help ease away the hangover, there are better remedies out there. Hangovers happen when the body becomes dehydrated.  Drinking alcohol […]

Are Hudson River Striped Bass Safe to Eat?

by Martin Leung Each year when striped bass season opens on April 15, thousands of fishermen either set off on boats or line the shore of the Hudson to catch New York State’s official saltwater fish.  Every striped bass fisherman in the city is out to catch the fish of a lifetime. These monsters can […]

Low Calorie Happy Hour Specials

by Chase Rosen While happy hour may be a great excuse to knock back a drink a few drinks to “relax”- remember that what you’re drinking could be loaded with calories.  Did you know that a single chocolate martini has more calories than a McDonald’s grilled chicken sandwich?  That’s because there are 7 calories per […]

Eating Fruit for Diabetics

by: Malgorzata Wojtunik “Five a day keeps the doctor away.” You’ve heard it a million times, but when it comes to diabetics, not all types of fruit are good to eat. High sugar content in some fruits (i.e. watermelon, pineapple) affect blood glucose levels. This doesn’t mean you have to exclude all fruits from your […]

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